Sat down last night to play a full 1850 game with a friend who brought Eldar to the table. I didn't grab his list, but this is what we can best recollect he brought to the table:
HQ - Farseer w/Singing Spear
HQ - Farseer w/Singing Spear
HQ - Warlock Council (4) on jet bikes w/Singing Spear
TR - Windrider Jet Bike Squad (6) w/2 Shuriken Cannons
TR - Windrider Jet Bike Squad (6) w/2 Shuriken Cannons
TR - Windrider Jet Bike Squad (6) w/2 Shuriken Cannons
TR - Dire Avengers (6) w/ Wave Serpent with tl scatter laser, cannon, and serpent shield(the 1+d6 weapon)
TR - Dire Avengers (6) w/ Wave Serpent with tl scatter laser, cannon, and serpent shield(the 1+d6 weapon)
FT - Shining Spears (6)
FT - Shining Spears (6)
HV - Wraithknight with scatter laser and star cannon, wraith cannons
And here's what I brought:
HQ - Captain on Bike w/Primarch's Wrath
HQ - Command Squad on bikes w/ 5 Storm Shields and 5 Meltaguns
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/ 2 Meltaguns, with Attack bike w/ Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/ 2 Meltaguns, with Attack bike w/ Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/ 2 Meltaguns, with Attack bike w/ Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/ 2 Meltaguns, with Attack bike w/ Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/ 2 Meltaguns, with Attack bike w/ Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/ 2 Meltaguns, with Attack bike w/ Multimelta
Due to the extremely lengthy psychic phase, we only got to the bottom of turn 1, so we called it. For VPs we have 5 objectives each worth 1 VP, and counted the normal Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker, and First Blood. It ended up with me having removed 7-8 of his jet bikes, and he removed 12-13 of my bikes (including a full unit).
End score: Khusters Cav 2 (objectives), Eldar 4 (objectives, First Blood, Linebreaker)
I tried this with the FNP Iron Hands rules. I only made two of the dozen+ rolls. The dice showed me they favor the FNP on my Damned army, and not the Cav.
So back to the drawing board.
Jink was never taken on my side, and it wouldn't have helped much anyways, so I'm still unconvinced this is good rule change. I'll take unjinked hits in round 1 to keep my full BS on the table with cover saves. But that's beside the point.
With the couple of assaults, I do want to at least keep Hit & Run an option, as I could have moved to contest another objective, or gotten Linebreaker with the run away roll. So we're back to white scars.
My HQ is swappable with a Chapter Master still at the current point value, so maybe I can swap out the CS with an allied detachment to fill in a gap.
The biggest downside of the new list I can see is that I don't have any juicy targets on the field. I need to keep a couple heavy weapons (S8 or better) on the table, but I need to bring more fire power or more models.
So I'm going to mock up a summoning list for my backfield first, and then look at maybe a Kroot sniper detachment as well, for when the summoning gets banned (or at least hated enough to have someone flip the board and destroy my army)