Well, here I go again...call me DC...
For a lot of you, this is probably the first post. I've done blogs before, but nothing this geeky. My intent is pretty simple, use this blog to post about my experiences with the Warhammer 40k hobby, and as an outlet at times for other geeky stuff like talking about my two tabletop RPG groups, or something else that's itching to appear here.
So who am I? No one that important. Just a middle aged guy who plays too much, and has too much time on his hands. To most of the local crowd, they identify me as the head of the local Firefly themed LARP (that's Live Action Role-Playing), or the guy with the silly Custer-themed 40k army.
Yeah, that's right, I went and started a Dark Angels army based on Custer's 7th Cav, called the Greasy Grass Eagles, and led by Chapter Master J'orj Khuster. I admit, most of my games end just like Custer's Last Stand, but I win occasionally. The army isn't finished yet, but it's close, and when it gets done, it's going right into the game room as a centerpiece.
I've had other armies as well. In fact, I started the 40k hobby with a Grey Knight army I bought off a stranger at my LGS. It took me more than a year to get the hang of it, and when I finally sold it (to fund the Custer project) I had gone from a measly 450 points to well over 4,000. I also had a Necron army at one point, until one of the local players had his entire Necron army stolen, so like a lot of the other local gamers, we ended up donating parts of our army to replace his, and then the rest I gave to some friends to help get bits for their armies. But no worries, a local escalation league has given me another chance to build my Crons again, and I look forward to having the 1500 point army to play around with.
Those are my two big 40k projects right now. Custer's project and Necrons. I'm working away on both, and I'll post pics and keep things updated on here.
I'm also involved in a couple awesome gaming groups. One I've been part of for seven or eight years now, and we meet weekly. We're in between campaigns, about to start a Star Wars d20 campaign run by our Supreme Master GM. We rotate campaigns, systems, and GM fairly often to keep things fresh. It's also made up of 9 people, so it's quite a challenge to run and play at times. I'm sure I'll post regularly about them as well.
My second group meets every other Saturday, and we're running through the Skulls & Shackles Pathfinder adventure path. I can into the group as a fill in for one of their players, and they haven't kicked me out yet! I'm not sure they know they could if they just asked nicely.
So there you have it. Geek stuff on this blog. Thanks for reading, and I hope you come back for more as it updates!
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