Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The New Khusters Cav!

I sat down with one of my buddies the other day and tried out a list I never thought I'd run.

So hear me out before I show the list.  First, I'm not a fluffy player.  I only own a single WH40k novel, and that's a Grey Knights book.  The rest are sourcebooks for the game.  So don't go off on me for not making a fluffy list.

Khuster's Cav 2.0

Combined Arms Detachment
White Scars
HQ - Captain on Bike
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/2 Meltaguns
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/2 Meltaguns
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/2 Meltaguns
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/2 Meltaguns
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/2 Meltaguns
TR - Bike Squad (8) w/2 Meltaguns

Allied Detachment
Tau Codex
HQ - Cadre Fireblade
TR - Fire Warriors (7) w/Pulse Rifles
EL - Riptide w/ Ion Accelerator, TL Plasma Rifle
HV - Broadside Team (3) w/ TL High Yield Missile Pod, TL Plasma Rifle, 6 Missile drones

Overall, the Tau replacing the 5 attack bikes and Command Squad are going to have better range, more firepower, more range, and all I have to do is keep the Tau 6" away from the bikes, or roll to paralyze them with One Eye Open. 

We'll see how this plays out at the next battle...

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