Named after my favorite 40k Dark Angels Chapter Master(I created him, don't bother looking it up), Khusters Korner is about the hobby of Warhammer 40k, with a bit of tabletop RPG and general geekdom thrown in. Enjoy!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Turkey Week!
It's an American tradition to do as little as possible before Thanksgiving! So that's what I'm doing now. Enjoy the week folks, pics of halfway built Eldar coming next week!
Monday, November 18, 2013
A Helping Hand
So now that I'm back up to a level of health that I can devote some time to the hobby, I'm looking forward to a couple of different items coming up.
First, I've thrown my hat into the ring to help with a local charity fundraiser, where a group of us 40k players have decided to build and sell an Eldar army to raise money for cancer research. Having a very apparent lack of painting skills, I've joined the build team, and over the next few weeks, I will be building a Wraithlord, a unit of Wraithguard, and a Wave Serpent. I've never built any Eldar before, so this should be a fun project. I'll be posting pics as I go.
Second, I've decided to challenge myself by learning how to sculpt with Greenstuff, and at the same time, learn how to paint better than I can now. So I'm doing a new army called "The Damned Army", a Space Marine list themed after the Legion of the Damned. The biggest difference is that ALL of the models will be featuring sculpted flame. Shoulder pads, feat, essentially the same as the iconography of the current Legion models, except with real flame instead of just symbols. Also, because I hate painting Marine Heads in detail, each of the Marines will have a skull suspended in flames. I have none of the models in my collection yet, and the list is very spendy, so I'm shooting for having this army finished in time for The Harvester in October 2014. I'll be posting pics as this project continues.
Lastly, I had another 1850 battle on Sunday night against my buddy D and his Tau army. His dice were hot, and even with a modified list of SM Bikers and allied Sisters, he kicked my butt thoroughly. We actually ended the game at the top of turn 2 due to time contraints, but with two full turns from me, I only managed to kill 2 of his units, but his one full turn removed 3 whole bike squads from the table. Not a good night, but still fun.
First, I've thrown my hat into the ring to help with a local charity fundraiser, where a group of us 40k players have decided to build and sell an Eldar army to raise money for cancer research. Having a very apparent lack of painting skills, I've joined the build team, and over the next few weeks, I will be building a Wraithlord, a unit of Wraithguard, and a Wave Serpent. I've never built any Eldar before, so this should be a fun project. I'll be posting pics as I go.
Second, I've decided to challenge myself by learning how to sculpt with Greenstuff, and at the same time, learn how to paint better than I can now. So I'm doing a new army called "The Damned Army", a Space Marine list themed after the Legion of the Damned. The biggest difference is that ALL of the models will be featuring sculpted flame. Shoulder pads, feat, essentially the same as the iconography of the current Legion models, except with real flame instead of just symbols. Also, because I hate painting Marine Heads in detail, each of the Marines will have a skull suspended in flames. I have none of the models in my collection yet, and the list is very spendy, so I'm shooting for having this army finished in time for The Harvester in October 2014. I'll be posting pics as this project continues.
Lastly, I had another 1850 battle on Sunday night against my buddy D and his Tau army. His dice were hot, and even with a modified list of SM Bikers and allied Sisters, he kicked my butt thoroughly. We actually ended the game at the top of turn 2 due to time contraints, but with two full turns from me, I only managed to kill 2 of his units, but his one full turn removed 3 whole bike squads from the table. Not a good night, but still fun.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Out for now
Sorry for the lack of posts these past couple weeks, I was in the hospital with pancreatitis. I'm slowly getting back on my feet, and have lots to tell you about when I do! Stay tuned!
Friday, November 1, 2013
The Harvester Results for Khuster's Cav
I am awake now, but still tired and sore from the Harvester GT. I walked away without any awards or random prizes this time, but I still feel good about my army. I can't give a full battle report with pics and turn-by-turn movements because I was busy playing. :P So here's how it went:
My Army:
HQ - Chapter Master Khuster - Space Marine Bike, Artificer Armor, Melta Bombs, The Primarch's Wrath
TR - (5) Bike Squads with 6 bikers, two Meltaguns, Attack bike with Multimelta, Melta Bombs
TR - Scout Squad with 10 scouts, 9 Sniper rifles, Melta bombs, Missile Launcher with Flakk
FS - Landspeeder Squadron with three speeders, each with Multimelta and Typhoon Missile Launcher
HV - Predator with Heavy Bolter side sponsons
FT - Aegis Defence Line with Quad Gun
And how it looked:
First up I faced Don, with his Orks and Imperial Guard (goblin) allies. We were playing on an ice board with special rules for winds that can effect Jink saves. They never really played into the game though. Still, the game was tough, and I was tabled in turn 4. He took out my anti-flyer weapons before his flyers came in, so I had an uphill battle on my hands.
The board:
His army:
So I now sit 0-1. It's a Swiss pairing event, so I'm in the bottom half, but still have a chance to come back!
Game 2 I only have a pic of the board. I was up against Rachel and her nids, and the deployment and board did not favor my bikes. She also had a Doom of Malan'tai, which I had never faced before. I ended up jammed up in each movement phase, not able to my move bikes how I needed, and was tables in turn 5. One turn more than the last game, so that was something to take away from this game. I learned that Vanguard deployment is going to be super dangerous for me, especially with lots of buildings. This board was against me, and Rachel was a very tactical opponent. Khuster leaves game 2 at 0-2. 3 more games to go.
The board:
The mission was fun, it was objective based, but the objectives were supplies dropped in on the second turn, and they scattered double distance from the center. However, the deployment was my worst enemy in this game, and I got bottled up in the far corner (thanks Vanguard deployment) and couldn't get my bikes out, they were just jammed up against each other. I was tabled in turn 5, and experienced the power that comes from the Doom of Malan'tai. Fun game, but a disappointing loss, and I now officially hate Vanguard deployment with bikes.
Game 3 I also only have a pic of the board, but it was against Shon, the same opponent I had earlier in the year at The Storm of Silence tourney. And what do you know? We brought the same lists to the tables (with a couple minor changes). I just kicked back and had fun, as did Shon. He's probably one of the nicest guys to play against, and his Chaos army looked very nice this year!
The board:
This mission was called "Iron Circle" and was probably the most fun mission I have ever played. The table was divided into quadrants, and we deployed in opposite corners (not a standard deployment at all!) Points were given for each quadrant, each heavy unit destroyed, and for having your warlord on top of the circle at the end of the game.
Shon had 3 heavy units, I only had one (the Predator), and I knew he was running double Heldrakes. So I parked my tank inside the Aegis defense line, and stuffed both into my own corner, so that if his flyers attacked it, they would go off the board. It was a smart move, as it kept my heavy unit safe the whole game. So I focused on the Heavy units, and figured that if I killed them, I'd have a chance to win.
As all plans do, it went to crap really fast. Despite packing 30 weapons that are S8 or better, he managed to stop me from popping his Land Raider until turn 4, and by then, it was a total slaughter. I did not get tabled this time, as both Khuster and the Predator lasted through the end of turn 6. Khuster held out against an entire squad for two turns of assault goodness, and only took a single wound. It was a fun way to end the first day of the tourney, and I love playing against Shon.
Sunday came quicker than I thought, and not all of the sore or tired was gone. I would point out to my wife later on that if I observe my usual Chinese food run at the end of tourney day 1, I feel better in day 2.
So now I'm sitting 0-3, and feeling like I might get a win today. With two coffees in my system, I'm getting more focused now.
Game 4 was intimidating, and yet probably one of my best played games ever. I was up against Travis, and a Chaos with Imperial Guard ally list that actually belonged to the store owner. (Travis had his entire army stolen just before the tourney started, so the owner let him borrow his own, fresh from the Feast of Blades) This was going to be a tough army. HQ was Abaddon in a squad of termies, all tucked into a Land Raider, with a Heldrake, a Vendetta, and a Manticore. By far, probably the best list to tear me apart in 3 turns or less.
The army:
The board:
This board was my bread and butter! Lots of open terrain means lots of movement. It was even Dawn of War deployment! I had to calm down a bit before we started. The mission was called "Page Five" and was a joke mission based on another minis game (Warmachine i believe) where the goal was to kill "the caster" or the enemies HQ. That was worth 5 points if you could do that and keep your own HQ alive for the game. There were also 6 objectives (the blue and gold spire things) worth one point each, and a two point objective (the cannon thingy). Now the pic above was taken right after set up, but by game 4, the terrain had moved a little. So during deployment, Travis was able to hold two of the spires on his side, and I couldn't deploy close enough to hold the two on my side. Drat.
I was focused enough to realize the advantage my army had over his, and with some basic guessing of distances, I realized that he had foot troops, and would not be able to contest or hold the two objectives on my side of the field. So at most, he could take and hold 4 of them. He had also deployed a single squad of troops on the hill near the cannon, so he was planning on taking that as well. Basic math will tell you that if I take out his HQ, keep mine alive, and hold just 2 objectives, I will win this one. But there are a few issues to deal with first.
In order of priority, his HQ must go down, which means I have to off a Land Raider, a squad of termies, and Abaddon. I also have to get rid of that Manticore or it's barrages are going to thin me out too much. In addition to that, his Heldrake will most likely come in on turn 2 (thanks to his Aegis with Comms Relay) so I have to take that out too, or my bikes will be off the table before I can kill his HQ. After those three things are done, I have to keep enough Troops alive to hold those two objectives, and keep Khuster out of range of everything.
So I stick the Scouts and Aegis within a single move of one of the objectives, and hope I have at least one bike left to hold the other. Khuster gets to take the Quad Gun, as I will need his BS 5 to down that Heldrake. I know that if Travis figures out what my plan is, he will hit me hard, and the fight could be over within a turn or two. So I deploy one unit of bikes in position to take the cannon, and spread the others out to look like I'm making a run at his defence line. I put the speeders in reserve, knowing they will just die if I don't bring them on later. Then, Travis makes his first mistake, he doesn't attempt to seize the initiative.
I stick to my plan, and in turn 1, Khuster's Orbital Bombardment immobilizes the Land Raider, so Abaddon and his squad jump out. That's his second mistake. Turn 2 my speeders come on, and fire everything at the manticore. A lucky shot penetrates, and destroys the launcher. In his turn 2, the Heldrake comes on, and Khuster penetrates the armor twice, but with snake eyes on the results table. It comes down to Khuster on the Quad Gun in turn 3. Abaddon goes off the table in turn 4 to over watch from a bolter on one of my bikes. Turn 5, Travis finally realizes I'm up to something, and rereads the rules. He realizes that if my HQ lives, he'll lose, as he's only seized 3 objectives, and we're contesting the 2 point objective. His vendetta moves over my defence line, and shoots at Khuster. Not enough to kill him though, thanks to his 4 wounds. Game ends, and I win, with less than half my forces on the table. Close, but enough. First victory of the tourney, and it tastes so sweet!
Game 5, and I'm up against an opponent that I've wanted to face for a while now, Bug Boy Joe, and his awesome army of Tyranids.
The mission is called "Battle on the Ridge". Yes, I appreciate the irony, and I know the TO set up the last game for me due to the army theme I have. I even got to deploy on the ridge.
The board:
The game went okay, I was not bogged down in Vanguard deployment, thanks to my earlier experience, but the turning point was when the Doom of Malan'tai killed one and a half whole bike squads in the first turn after arriving. It became a historical re-enactment after that, with Khuster dying to his swarm lord.
The end:
Tabled in turn 6. Not a bad ending, actually pretty fun! So what did I take away from this tourney?
1) Vanguard deployment is a hassle with bikes. I have to really think and plan, and it shows my hand to my opponent if I get it right. Not fun, but might be necessary to practice this deployment more until I feel more confident with it or figure it out for the future.
2) I have enough firepower to take out several targets during a game, but with the current list, I do not have the tools to table an opponent. Objective games where I can move, or specific target kill point games seem to be where I excel.
3) I'm probably asking for it by playing an army based off of one of the biggest cavalry blunders in history, but I don't care, this army is fun to play, win or lose!
As an after note, I was pleasantly surprised with my appearance score. I was not able to collect points for my display board, as it was built by Johnny McGinnis of Back to Work Studios, but even with my n00b skills at painting and modelling, I ended up with 50 of 65 possible points. That's a lot higher than what I scored my own army as prior to the judging, which was 38 of 65.
I took away no awards or random prizes, but a great sense of pride in my army, and lessons to be learned for the next army I play...
My Army:
HQ - Chapter Master Khuster - Space Marine Bike, Artificer Armor, Melta Bombs, The Primarch's Wrath
TR - (5) Bike Squads with 6 bikers, two Meltaguns, Attack bike with Multimelta, Melta Bombs
TR - Scout Squad with 10 scouts, 9 Sniper rifles, Melta bombs, Missile Launcher with Flakk
FS - Landspeeder Squadron with three speeders, each with Multimelta and Typhoon Missile Launcher
HV - Predator with Heavy Bolter side sponsons
FT - Aegis Defence Line with Quad Gun
And how it looked:
First up I faced Don, with his Orks and Imperial Guard (goblin) allies. We were playing on an ice board with special rules for winds that can effect Jink saves. They never really played into the game though. Still, the game was tough, and I was tabled in turn 4. He took out my anti-flyer weapons before his flyers came in, so I had an uphill battle on my hands.
The board:
His army:
So I now sit 0-1. It's a Swiss pairing event, so I'm in the bottom half, but still have a chance to come back!
Game 2 I only have a pic of the board. I was up against Rachel and her nids, and the deployment and board did not favor my bikes. She also had a Doom of Malan'tai, which I had never faced before. I ended up jammed up in each movement phase, not able to my move bikes how I needed, and was tables in turn 5. One turn more than the last game, so that was something to take away from this game. I learned that Vanguard deployment is going to be super dangerous for me, especially with lots of buildings. This board was against me, and Rachel was a very tactical opponent. Khuster leaves game 2 at 0-2. 3 more games to go.
The board:
The mission was fun, it was objective based, but the objectives were supplies dropped in on the second turn, and they scattered double distance from the center. However, the deployment was my worst enemy in this game, and I got bottled up in the far corner (thanks Vanguard deployment) and couldn't get my bikes out, they were just jammed up against each other. I was tabled in turn 5, and experienced the power that comes from the Doom of Malan'tai. Fun game, but a disappointing loss, and I now officially hate Vanguard deployment with bikes.
Game 3 I also only have a pic of the board, but it was against Shon, the same opponent I had earlier in the year at The Storm of Silence tourney. And what do you know? We brought the same lists to the tables (with a couple minor changes). I just kicked back and had fun, as did Shon. He's probably one of the nicest guys to play against, and his Chaos army looked very nice this year!
The board:
This mission was called "Iron Circle" and was probably the most fun mission I have ever played. The table was divided into quadrants, and we deployed in opposite corners (not a standard deployment at all!) Points were given for each quadrant, each heavy unit destroyed, and for having your warlord on top of the circle at the end of the game.
Shon had 3 heavy units, I only had one (the Predator), and I knew he was running double Heldrakes. So I parked my tank inside the Aegis defense line, and stuffed both into my own corner, so that if his flyers attacked it, they would go off the board. It was a smart move, as it kept my heavy unit safe the whole game. So I focused on the Heavy units, and figured that if I killed them, I'd have a chance to win.
As all plans do, it went to crap really fast. Despite packing 30 weapons that are S8 or better, he managed to stop me from popping his Land Raider until turn 4, and by then, it was a total slaughter. I did not get tabled this time, as both Khuster and the Predator lasted through the end of turn 6. Khuster held out against an entire squad for two turns of assault goodness, and only took a single wound. It was a fun way to end the first day of the tourney, and I love playing against Shon.
Sunday came quicker than I thought, and not all of the sore or tired was gone. I would point out to my wife later on that if I observe my usual Chinese food run at the end of tourney day 1, I feel better in day 2.
So now I'm sitting 0-3, and feeling like I might get a win today. With two coffees in my system, I'm getting more focused now.
Game 4 was intimidating, and yet probably one of my best played games ever. I was up against Travis, and a Chaos with Imperial Guard ally list that actually belonged to the store owner. (Travis had his entire army stolen just before the tourney started, so the owner let him borrow his own, fresh from the Feast of Blades) This was going to be a tough army. HQ was Abaddon in a squad of termies, all tucked into a Land Raider, with a Heldrake, a Vendetta, and a Manticore. By far, probably the best list to tear me apart in 3 turns or less.
The army:
The board:
This board was my bread and butter! Lots of open terrain means lots of movement. It was even Dawn of War deployment! I had to calm down a bit before we started. The mission was called "Page Five" and was a joke mission based on another minis game (Warmachine i believe) where the goal was to kill "the caster" or the enemies HQ. That was worth 5 points if you could do that and keep your own HQ alive for the game. There were also 6 objectives (the blue and gold spire things) worth one point each, and a two point objective (the cannon thingy). Now the pic above was taken right after set up, but by game 4, the terrain had moved a little. So during deployment, Travis was able to hold two of the spires on his side, and I couldn't deploy close enough to hold the two on my side. Drat.
I was focused enough to realize the advantage my army had over his, and with some basic guessing of distances, I realized that he had foot troops, and would not be able to contest or hold the two objectives on my side of the field. So at most, he could take and hold 4 of them. He had also deployed a single squad of troops on the hill near the cannon, so he was planning on taking that as well. Basic math will tell you that if I take out his HQ, keep mine alive, and hold just 2 objectives, I will win this one. But there are a few issues to deal with first.
In order of priority, his HQ must go down, which means I have to off a Land Raider, a squad of termies, and Abaddon. I also have to get rid of that Manticore or it's barrages are going to thin me out too much. In addition to that, his Heldrake will most likely come in on turn 2 (thanks to his Aegis with Comms Relay) so I have to take that out too, or my bikes will be off the table before I can kill his HQ. After those three things are done, I have to keep enough Troops alive to hold those two objectives, and keep Khuster out of range of everything.
So I stick the Scouts and Aegis within a single move of one of the objectives, and hope I have at least one bike left to hold the other. Khuster gets to take the Quad Gun, as I will need his BS 5 to down that Heldrake. I know that if Travis figures out what my plan is, he will hit me hard, and the fight could be over within a turn or two. So I deploy one unit of bikes in position to take the cannon, and spread the others out to look like I'm making a run at his defence line. I put the speeders in reserve, knowing they will just die if I don't bring them on later. Then, Travis makes his first mistake, he doesn't attempt to seize the initiative.
I stick to my plan, and in turn 1, Khuster's Orbital Bombardment immobilizes the Land Raider, so Abaddon and his squad jump out. That's his second mistake. Turn 2 my speeders come on, and fire everything at the manticore. A lucky shot penetrates, and destroys the launcher. In his turn 2, the Heldrake comes on, and Khuster penetrates the armor twice, but with snake eyes on the results table. It comes down to Khuster on the Quad Gun in turn 3. Abaddon goes off the table in turn 4 to over watch from a bolter on one of my bikes. Turn 5, Travis finally realizes I'm up to something, and rereads the rules. He realizes that if my HQ lives, he'll lose, as he's only seized 3 objectives, and we're contesting the 2 point objective. His vendetta moves over my defence line, and shoots at Khuster. Not enough to kill him though, thanks to his 4 wounds. Game ends, and I win, with less than half my forces on the table. Close, but enough. First victory of the tourney, and it tastes so sweet!
Game 5, and I'm up against an opponent that I've wanted to face for a while now, Bug Boy Joe, and his awesome army of Tyranids.
The mission is called "Battle on the Ridge". Yes, I appreciate the irony, and I know the TO set up the last game for me due to the army theme I have. I even got to deploy on the ridge.
The board:
The game went okay, I was not bogged down in Vanguard deployment, thanks to my earlier experience, but the turning point was when the Doom of Malan'tai killed one and a half whole bike squads in the first turn after arriving. It became a historical re-enactment after that, with Khuster dying to his swarm lord.
The end:
Tabled in turn 6. Not a bad ending, actually pretty fun! So what did I take away from this tourney?
1) Vanguard deployment is a hassle with bikes. I have to really think and plan, and it shows my hand to my opponent if I get it right. Not fun, but might be necessary to practice this deployment more until I feel more confident with it or figure it out for the future.
2) I have enough firepower to take out several targets during a game, but with the current list, I do not have the tools to table an opponent. Objective games where I can move, or specific target kill point games seem to be where I excel.
3) I'm probably asking for it by playing an army based off of one of the biggest cavalry blunders in history, but I don't care, this army is fun to play, win or lose!
As an after note, I was pleasantly surprised with my appearance score. I was not able to collect points for my display board, as it was built by Johnny McGinnis of Back to Work Studios, but even with my n00b skills at painting and modelling, I ended up with 50 of 65 possible points. That's a lot higher than what I scored my own army as prior to the judging, which was 38 of 65.
I took away no awards or random prizes, but a great sense of pride in my army, and lessons to be learned for the next army I play...
Friday, October 25, 2013
The Harvester of Souls and Relaxation
Today is the eve of The Harvester of Souls. This is one of two annual Grand Tournaments in my area, and I am slightly anxious but also relaxed. The sister GT of The Harvester is The Storm of Silence, which happens in the spring each year, and is way more competitive than The Harvester.
Scores for The Harvester are split evenly as 1/3 for Appearance, 1/3 for Battle Points, and 1/3 Sportsmanship. There are also random prize drawings and a Player's Favorite army award. That's the award I want to secure this year. So I'm anxiously gearing up for this challenge.
The relaxation comes from the fact that the Khuster's Cav project is now finished. I've had this project on the table for almost a full year now. It would have been a full year as of 11/3/13. But I came in under that, when I put the final touches on the army as of Monday, 10/21/13.
In looking back, I've spent a ton of time, money, and energy on this project. I was originally going to sell it, but after a few exciting days of seeing the bikes come together, I've fallen in love with the army, and look forward to it sitting in my game room, reminding me why I continue in this hobby.
I head out for the Harvester at 5:30am tomorrow, to help set up tables and terrain, and the dice roll at 9am sharp. We wrap up the games at about 5:00pm on Sunday, and when the event is done, I look forward to some much deserved chinese food and working casually on some terrain for a bit.
Now I'm off to do some last minute details (lists, packing, notes, etc) to get ready. Wish me luck!
Scores for The Harvester are split evenly as 1/3 for Appearance, 1/3 for Battle Points, and 1/3 Sportsmanship. There are also random prize drawings and a Player's Favorite army award. That's the award I want to secure this year. So I'm anxiously gearing up for this challenge.
The relaxation comes from the fact that the Khuster's Cav project is now finished. I've had this project on the table for almost a full year now. It would have been a full year as of 11/3/13. But I came in under that, when I put the final touches on the army as of Monday, 10/21/13.
In looking back, I've spent a ton of time, money, and energy on this project. I was originally going to sell it, but after a few exciting days of seeing the bikes come together, I've fallen in love with the army, and look forward to it sitting in my game room, reminding me why I continue in this hobby.
I head out for the Harvester at 5:30am tomorrow, to help set up tables and terrain, and the dice roll at 9am sharp. We wrap up the games at about 5:00pm on Sunday, and when the event is done, I look forward to some much deserved chinese food and working casually on some terrain for a bit.
Now I'm off to do some last minute details (lists, packing, notes, etc) to get ready. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Pre-Harvester Game
I finished the army last night around 11pm. I'm dog tired, but ready and chomping at the bit to get to The Harvester this weekend. I need to run to the store this week and get some more ink to print off my Army List, but here's what I am bringing, and what I tested out last Saturday against another Harvester list, run by my buddy Jase (who was also the winner of our Feast of Blades qualifier, but couldn't attend the event.) I don't have the list he brought to the table, but I do remember her had a nightspinner, two fire prisms, I believe 3 or 4 wave serpents with troops, 3 squads of jetbikes, and a flyer. Eldar are pretty tough. But we'll get to that soon enough. (heh, that rhymed) For now, here's my list:
Khuster's Cav 1850 points
Space Marines (White Scar Chapter Tactics)
HQ - Chapter Master Khuster w/SM bike, Artificer armor, and Primarch's Wrath
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Scout Squad of 10, with camo cloaks, sniper rifles, meltabombs, and missile launcher with Flakk missiles
FT - Land Speeder Squadron of 3, with Multimeltas and Typhoon missile launchers
HV - Predator with Heavy bolter side sponsons
FR - Aegis Defence Line with Quad Gun
This is what I brought to the table on Saturday against Jase's new eldar army. It was Big Guns Never Tire, with 3 objectives, and Vanguard deployment. I still have trouble putting all of my army on my side of the board, and this causes a lot of observers and opponents to utter "that's a lot of bikes". Music to my ears. Jase did make a comment on how template weapons will ruin my day if I go second, and I agree. Packing the entire army onto the board leaves little room between models, and an IG army with artillery will probably win if they go first. Having said that, Jase decided not to seize the initiative, and I went first.
I will say this about WS bikes: Cover saves rock. Jase stuck his vehicles in the far corner, and reserved his jetbikes and flyer. So I had to spend the first couple of turns turbo boosting to get into range. Of course, Khuster needs no such maneuver, and used his Orbital Bombardment in turn 1 to hit the far corner. Goodbye Nightspinner. Gotta love that special rule for Chapter Masters, just another reason to take them over Khan with White Scars.
The next two turns were going well for me, the cover saves of 3+ helped stave off a lot of hits, but his saves were also amazing. Turn 3, my speeders Deep Striked in and had a mishap. The result was that Jase got to deploy them, and so they ended up in the back corner of my deployment, instead of in the face of his wave serpents. That was the turning point in the game. Without the firepower to target the wave serpents, his troops almost eradicated my bikes, and when the game ended, only two more of his vehicles were destroyed. Even so, I only lost by two points.
While the bikes have an advantage of being able to get to where I need them, I also have the ability to more or less out run most units, and that's a big advantage as well. Also, his eldar flyer fell to my TL bolters on the bikes (since he took out my ML with Flakk and Quad Gun in the first two turns).
All in all a fun game, and next time I face his army, it will be a lot closer. My great take away from this game was the fact I wasn't tabled on turn 4, like I was often with the DA list and as 5th ed Space Marines.
Now onto The Harvester!!!
Khuster's Cav 1850 points
Space Marines (White Scar Chapter Tactics)
HQ - Chapter Master Khuster w/SM bike, Artificer armor, and Primarch's Wrath
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Bike Squad of 6, with 2 meltaguns, meltabombs, and attack bike with Multimelta
TR - Scout Squad of 10, with camo cloaks, sniper rifles, meltabombs, and missile launcher with Flakk missiles
FT - Land Speeder Squadron of 3, with Multimeltas and Typhoon missile launchers
HV - Predator with Heavy bolter side sponsons
FR - Aegis Defence Line with Quad Gun
This is what I brought to the table on Saturday against Jase's new eldar army. It was Big Guns Never Tire, with 3 objectives, and Vanguard deployment. I still have trouble putting all of my army on my side of the board, and this causes a lot of observers and opponents to utter "that's a lot of bikes". Music to my ears. Jase did make a comment on how template weapons will ruin my day if I go second, and I agree. Packing the entire army onto the board leaves little room between models, and an IG army with artillery will probably win if they go first. Having said that, Jase decided not to seize the initiative, and I went first.
I will say this about WS bikes: Cover saves rock. Jase stuck his vehicles in the far corner, and reserved his jetbikes and flyer. So I had to spend the first couple of turns turbo boosting to get into range. Of course, Khuster needs no such maneuver, and used his Orbital Bombardment in turn 1 to hit the far corner. Goodbye Nightspinner. Gotta love that special rule for Chapter Masters, just another reason to take them over Khan with White Scars.
The next two turns were going well for me, the cover saves of 3+ helped stave off a lot of hits, but his saves were also amazing. Turn 3, my speeders Deep Striked in and had a mishap. The result was that Jase got to deploy them, and so they ended up in the back corner of my deployment, instead of in the face of his wave serpents. That was the turning point in the game. Without the firepower to target the wave serpents, his troops almost eradicated my bikes, and when the game ended, only two more of his vehicles were destroyed. Even so, I only lost by two points.
While the bikes have an advantage of being able to get to where I need them, I also have the ability to more or less out run most units, and that's a big advantage as well. Also, his eldar flyer fell to my TL bolters on the bikes (since he took out my ML with Flakk and Quad Gun in the first two turns).
All in all a fun game, and next time I face his army, it will be a lot closer. My great take away from this game was the fact I wasn't tabled on turn 4, like I was often with the DA list and as 5th ed Space Marines.
Now onto The Harvester!!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Escalation League Final!
Here are the final pics of my army, turned in last night. 9 of us completed the project, but I failed to snag any of the random prizes. Oh well, I still have a shiny new army!
This has been a fun project, but now it's time for the final push on my Khuster's Cav before the grand tourney and reveal on the 26th!
This has been a fun project, but now it's time for the final push on my Khuster's Cav before the grand tourney and reveal on the 26th!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Escalation League #5
I finished the last model of the "Shinecron" army. Now, to be honest, when I walked into the store to get my last 250 points, I had no idea what I wanted to add. Fortunately for me, they had a single model I could bump to 250, just sitting there on the shelf. Here's the latest addition to the army!
Up next, the entire army display shot! (When I get back from vacation next week, that is)
Up next, the entire army display shot! (When I get back from vacation next week, that is)
Friday, October 4, 2013
Keepin' On
Not much new here right now, just doing prep work and finishing touches to my army for The Harvester of Souls GT on the 26th & 27th. I will be trying my hand at homemade washes later this weekend though. I'll post about that when I get to making them ;)
Thursday, September 26, 2013
It's Here!!!
Khuster's Cav get it's display board! UPS just pulled up an hour ago, I dropped dinner, did a little dance, and set about opening and arranging my army. My wife took the pics, since she's better at that than I am! (One of the 183 reasons I married her)
It's Coming...
I checked the UPS tracking status this's on the truck and on route to the house...
Friday, September 20, 2013
Escalation League #4
Here is the full 1250 for September! Now to round it out with another 250 points, and I will make the October deadline and be entered to win one of three giftcards from my FLGS!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Escalation League Update
I'm just about done with the next 250 points, just need to do some basing this week and turn it in. Then back to a bit of work on Khuster's Cav to get them ready for the Harvester, and finally, my last 250 points for the Shinecrons...more coming soon!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Khuster's Cav Comparision #2
So after the excitement died down, I retried my comparision. First, I took out all the Dark Angels specific units, and replaced them with the standard units I had put in the White Scars list. After that, I compared the two lists. 1916 to 1850. Which tells me that with these particular models, WS have a slight edge, but not enough to switch yet. Despite the +1 jink save, ignoring dangerous terrain, and +1 S to Hammer of Wrath, the Dark Angels are still a better shooting army.
The next GT will see my Khuster's Cav as Dark Angels.
The next GT will see my Khuster's Cav as Dark Angels.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Khuster's Cav Comparision
Thanks to my FLGS, I got my codex at 12:01am this morning, and I was able to mock up the two lists of Dark Angels Cav vs White Scars Cav. Now, I did everything to keep the models the exact same ones I use right now. There are a couple big changes though, as the Ravenwing Command Squad, Sammael, and Darkshroud can't be used on the White Scars list.
Each list is 1850 points, and as you can see, the White Scars list offers more options and more models to bring to the table. As you'll see, I think the White Scars list is the way to go, especially with the special rules (Scouts, Born in the saddle, and ignoring dangerous terrain tests), which means that Khuster's Cav is going back to the C:SM, and all models will be usable as Dark Angels as well!
Here are the two lists:
Each list is 1850 points, and as you can see, the White Scars list offers more options and more models to bring to the table. As you'll see, I think the White Scars list is the way to go, especially with the special rules (Scouts, Born in the saddle, and ignoring dangerous terrain tests), which means that Khuster's Cav is going back to the C:SM, and all models will be usable as Dark Angels as well!
Here are the two lists:
Dark Angels | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HQ - Sammael | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HQ - Librarian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HQ - RWCS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plus 2 bikes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stand of Dev | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apothecary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TR - RW Attack Squad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plus 3 bikes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meltagun | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flamer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ab w/ Multimelta | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TR - RW Attack Squad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plus 3 bikes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meltagun | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flamer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ab w/ Multimelta | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TR - RW Attack Squad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plus 3 bikes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meltagun | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flamer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ab w/ Multimelta | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TR - RW Attack Squad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plus 3 bikes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meltagun | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flamer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ab w/ Multimelta | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TR - RW Attack Squad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plus 3 bikes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meltagun | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flamer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ab w/ Multimelta | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FT -
Ravenwing Darkshroud
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Escalation League #3
Well, I just finished my next unit for the Escalation League! My new Nightscythe was finished last night (except basing) and is resting proudly on top of my computer desk/work area.
Now it's push time for both the final unit of this month's Escalation League, which I will hopefully be picking up before the weekend....(It's not a secret, I'm buying a unit of Tomb Blades)...and the final touches on my Khuster's Cav. Currently, here's where the army sits:
HQ - Khuster (Sammael) on jetbike
HQ - Ravenwing Command Squad w/+2 bikes, GL, Apothecary, and Standard of Devastation
HQ - Librarian w/Mastery Level 2, SM Bike
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
FT - Ravenwing Darkshroud
FT - Ravenwing Support Squad w/4 LS Typhoons and Multimeltas
HV - Predator w/Heavy Bolter side sponsons
HV - Predator
That's a little over 2300 points of models.
Now, as per the last post, I am waiting for the SM codex to come out before I decide if I should swap out Dark Angels for White Scars. Clearly, I'm going to lose access to the Command Squad and Darkshroud if I do, but factoring in the (rumored) point decrease of SM bikes, if I switch to a Khan-based army, it would save me about 230 points. Plus the 295 for the Command Squad, and I'll use the Libby on bike model for Khan, so that's another 125 points gained, and lastly 80 points from the Darkshroud.
That's going to free up 730 points, meaning I can run every model I have for a WS army, and still be under the 1850. Looks like I'm going to need a few more models. So bikes? Flyers? Dreadnoughts? I don't know.
Have to wait for the codex...six words I hate to have to say.
Now it's push time for both the final unit of this month's Escalation League, which I will hopefully be picking up before the weekend....(It's not a secret, I'm buying a unit of Tomb Blades)...and the final touches on my Khuster's Cav. Currently, here's where the army sits:
HQ - Khuster (Sammael) on jetbike
HQ - Ravenwing Command Squad w/+2 bikes, GL, Apothecary, and Standard of Devastation
HQ - Librarian w/Mastery Level 2, SM Bike
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
TR - Ravenwing Attack Squad w/+3 bikes, Meltagun, Flamer, Attack Bike w/Multimelta
FT - Ravenwing Darkshroud
FT - Ravenwing Support Squad w/4 LS Typhoons and Multimeltas
HV - Predator w/Heavy Bolter side sponsons
HV - Predator
That's a little over 2300 points of models.
Now, as per the last post, I am waiting for the SM codex to come out before I decide if I should swap out Dark Angels for White Scars. Clearly, I'm going to lose access to the Command Squad and Darkshroud if I do, but factoring in the (rumored) point decrease of SM bikes, if I switch to a Khan-based army, it would save me about 230 points. Plus the 295 for the Command Squad, and I'll use the Libby on bike model for Khan, so that's another 125 points gained, and lastly 80 points from the Darkshroud.
That's going to free up 730 points, meaning I can run every model I have for a WS army, and still be under the 1850. Looks like I'm going to need a few more models. So bikes? Flyers? Dreadnoughts? I don't know.
Have to wait for the codex...six words I hate to have to say.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Decisions, Decisions...
Well, I am very excited about the new Space Marine codex coming out. Khuster's Cav used to be vanilla SM, until they released the DA codex for 6th. But now with White Scars getting an upgrade, I'm tempted to switch back. "tempted" is the word. While I like some of the rumored upgrades and such, it still is not enough to get me away from Dark Angels just yet...but I have to wait until I get the new codex to make a final judgement...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Black Knights
In keeping with the standard of my Khuster's Cav, I have finished the Black Knights. I previously posted how these models were ruined by some old spray paint, but a bath in simple green solved the issue for the most part.
I struggled with the colors on these, and will probably eventually lighten the color of the helmets or dry brush a light grey to bring out the detail. We shall see. But here the pics is for your enjoyment!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Post Birthday Stuff
This week I celebrated my birthday (yay!) and that's my excuse for no blog posts until now. Not much going on, the cleaning is going well on my formerly-fuzzy Dark Angel models, Simple Green seemed to work just fine.
No more work on the Escalation League until I get paid in September, then it will be a rush to finish a Doom scythe and a unit of Tomb Blades before the monthly deadline.
However, across the states, work on the display board is coming along nicely, thanks to a wonderful man who does these boards like no one I've ever seen. Check out the recent photo he sent of the display board progress:
Now back to my regular work schedule, model cleaning, and growing older.
No more work on the Escalation League until I get paid in September, then it will be a rush to finish a Doom scythe and a unit of Tomb Blades before the monthly deadline.
However, across the states, work on the display board is coming along nicely, thanks to a wonderful man who does these boards like no one I've ever seen. Check out the recent photo he sent of the display board progress:
Now back to my regular work schedule, model cleaning, and growing older.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Escalation League Photo
Here is the harbingers and Necron Overlord, bringing my total to 1000. More pics once I turn it all in tomorrow!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
New Project #2
Well, still waiting on heads and jump packs, but here's the first mock up mini of my Spartan Blood Knights project!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Escalation League #2
My new project pieces are ordered, and so I must concentrate on the escalation league project before I miss the deadline in 10 days.
I'm waiting until after work to pick up some more superglue, as I am completely out. I will be painting after that, and finishing up my HQ units to bring my total army points to 1000 and structured within the FO chart.
EDIT: Here are the pics!







Thursday, August 1, 2013
New Project Update
My new project now has a name, and a bold concept.
The name? Spartan Blood Knights.
The concept? I am not only going to make a Spartan-themed Blood Angels army, I am going to use the same models to make a Spartan-themed Grey Knight army. Let me be clear here: I am going to use the same models. Literally. Let me clarify further, in case you haven't gotten it:
Blood Angels will become Grey Knights with simple arm and gear changes, all magnetized.
Okay, so maybe it's not very bold to the more experienced 40k crowd, but for my small group of Sunday players, it's a pretty grand idea. I even have a 1750 list for both, and the only models that will be used for just one army are 2 Razorbacks and 4 Rhinos.
Here are the lists:
Commander Dante 225
Sanguinary Guard 235
Death Masks
Infernus Pistol
Sanguinary Guard 235
Death Masks
Infernus Pistol
Sanguinary Guard 235
Death Masks
Infernus Pistol
Sanguinary Guard 225
Death Masks
Assault Squad 210
+5 Models
2x Meltaguns
Assault Squad 210
+5 Models
2x Meltaguns
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought 175
Castellan Crowe 150
Grey Knight Strike Squad 285
+5 Models
2x Psycannon
Psybolt Ammunition
Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad 285
+5 Models
2x Psycannon
Psybolt Ammunition
Psybolt Ammunition
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Venerable Dreadnought 190
TL Autocannon
TL Autocannon
Okay, so maybe the lists aren't highly competitive, but that's okay, as much as I'd like to win at a tournament or two, I'm not making this army to be a heavy hitter, just something fun to play with. (My competitive list will be Khusters Cav, as the ruined models will be restored later down the road. Once I figure out how to do that.)
I will post pics of the parts once they arrive. I also will be reading up on modelling with green stuff, as I intend to make the Sanguinary Guard swords look like spartan swords from 300.
The name? Spartan Blood Knights.
The concept? I am not only going to make a Spartan-themed Blood Angels army, I am going to use the same models to make a Spartan-themed Grey Knight army. Let me be clear here: I am going to use the same models. Literally. Let me clarify further, in case you haven't gotten it:
Blood Angels will become Grey Knights with simple arm and gear changes, all magnetized.
Okay, so maybe it's not very bold to the more experienced 40k crowd, but for my small group of Sunday players, it's a pretty grand idea. I even have a 1750 list for both, and the only models that will be used for just one army are 2 Razorbacks and 4 Rhinos.
Here are the lists:
Commander Dante 225
Sanguinary Guard 235
Death Masks
Infernus Pistol
Sanguinary Guard 235
Death Masks
Infernus Pistol
Sanguinary Guard 235
Death Masks
Infernus Pistol
Sanguinary Guard 225
Death Masks
Assault Squad 210
+5 Models
2x Meltaguns
Assault Squad 210
+5 Models
2x Meltaguns
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought 175
Castellan Crowe 150
Grey Knight Strike Squad 285
+5 Models
2x Psycannon
Psybolt Ammunition
Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad 285
+5 Models
2x Psycannon
Psybolt Ammunition
Psybolt Ammunition
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Purifier Squad 210
2x Psycannon
4x Nemesis Demonhammer
Psybolt Ammo
Venerable Dreadnought 190
TL Autocannon
TL Autocannon
Okay, so maybe the lists aren't highly competitive, but that's okay, as much as I'd like to win at a tournament or two, I'm not making this army to be a heavy hitter, just something fun to play with. (My competitive list will be Khusters Cav, as the ruined models will be restored later down the road. Once I figure out how to do that.)
I will post pics of the parts once they arrive. I also will be reading up on modelling with green stuff, as I intend to make the Sanguinary Guard swords look like spartan swords from 300.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
New Project!
Well, here goes another project idea!
My usual Sunday night group has only three people who attend. Between us though, and with the new armies for the Escalation League, we've got the majority of the armies for 40k. Here's how it breaks down:
Dark Angels
Grey Knights (I don't have my army anymore, but I am slowly rebuilding it, so I claim them anyways.)
Other Guy #1:
Imperial Guard
Tau Empire
Space Wolves
Other Guy# 2:
Dark Eldar
Armies we don't have:
Blood Angels
Black Templar
Chaos Demons
Chaos Space Marines
Space Marines
Sisters of Battle
Now I've heard rumors that Space Marines are getting a codex update soon, and with the Khuster project almost done, I need something else to focus on, something that won't change anytime soon. Rumors aside, I'd be safe to stay away from Space Marines for now. Black Templar did peak my interest for a bit, but I've been latching onto the Blood Angels the last couple of days.
So I ordered a few spare bits, once I settled on an idea, and when they come in, I will be playing around with the concept for a Spartan Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard army!
Now doesn't that sound fun?
My usual Sunday night group has only three people who attend. Between us though, and with the new armies for the Escalation League, we've got the majority of the armies for 40k. Here's how it breaks down:
Dark Angels
Grey Knights (I don't have my army anymore, but I am slowly rebuilding it, so I claim them anyways.)
Other Guy #1:
Imperial Guard
Tau Empire
Space Wolves
Other Guy# 2:
Dark Eldar
Armies we don't have:
Blood Angels
Black Templar
Chaos Demons
Chaos Space Marines
Space Marines
Sisters of Battle
Now I've heard rumors that Space Marines are getting a codex update soon, and with the Khuster project almost done, I need something else to focus on, something that won't change anytime soon. Rumors aside, I'd be safe to stay away from Space Marines for now. Black Templar did peak my interest for a bit, but I've been latching onto the Blood Angels the last couple of days.
So I ordered a few spare bits, once I settled on an idea, and when they come in, I will be playing around with the concept for a Spartan Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard army!
Now doesn't that sound fun?
Sunday, July 28, 2013
A Hitch in the Plan #1
Well, I base coated my last few bitz Friday morning before heading to work. I used a can of black paint I had from a while ago, and thus began the problem.
When I got home, I worked on the remaining spots for the my first 4 ravenwings. When I finally got to the bitz I base coated that morning, I found out that the can of paint was older than I thought. Now all the ones I had planned to work on were fuzzy looking. To the touch, they felt like sand paper, and when I got them into the light, I realized what a horrible scene it really was.
So now I get to learn how to strip models...or maybe not. The Khuster Project is almost finished. I have Sammael, 4 Ravenwings, 3 Speeders, 2 Predators, and a full unit of Scouts with an Aegis Defence Line. I think that's plenty, considering that I only wanted a small army out of this project. So once the display board is done, the good models will go on it, while the bad ones go into my bitz box for future use, in case I need fuzzy looking models for some reason.
Anyways, to commemorate the occasion of being 95% done and setting an end goal for the Khuster army, here are some fun pics from the whole thing!
When I got home, I worked on the remaining spots for the my first 4 ravenwings. When I finally got to the bitz I base coated that morning, I found out that the can of paint was older than I thought. Now all the ones I had planned to work on were fuzzy looking. To the touch, they felt like sand paper, and when I got them into the light, I realized what a horrible scene it really was.
So now I get to learn how to strip models...or maybe not. The Khuster Project is almost finished. I have Sammael, 4 Ravenwings, 3 Speeders, 2 Predators, and a full unit of Scouts with an Aegis Defence Line. I think that's plenty, considering that I only wanted a small army out of this project. So once the display board is done, the good models will go on it, while the bad ones go into my bitz box for future use, in case I need fuzzy looking models for some reason.
Anyways, to commemorate the occasion of being 95% done and setting an end goal for the Khuster army, here are some fun pics from the whole thing!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Feast of Blades Qualifer Prep
Just as the title says, I'm preparing for our local FoB Qual tonight. Khuster's Cav is almost ready to go, but not quite. My Black Knights in the Command Squad need more painting, and one whole Ravenwing Squad needs bikers and more paint as well.
I did a base coat on the parts needing paint last night, and then again this morning. So once I get home from work, it should be pretty easy to get them to the three color standard. I won't win a ton of points for appearance, but that's okay, since the mission packet says I just have to win the most games.
So assuming nothing goes wrong, I should be able to bring the full force of Khuster's Cav to bear at this event. Now, in the past, an 1850 list would see me bringing out squads of Landspeeders and a few Predators, but thanks to Rob over at I have a new list I am trying out. (You can see the list and recommendations he made here.)
Now, most of the advice Rob gave I'm going to use. I added in the apothecary to the Command Squad, but I don't own a Darkshroud, so I had to modify the list a bit. (I might get a Darkshroud for my birthday coming up, so I'm going to wait until after that before I see if I need to get one.) I know it's probably not the smartest move, but here's what I'm bringing to the table tomorrow:
Khuster (Sammael on jet bike)
Ravenwing Command Squad (+2 bikes, Apothecary upgrade, Standard of Devistation, 1 Grenade Launcher)
Ravenwing 1 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 2 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 3 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 4 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 5 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Scouts (+4 Scouts, Sniper rifles, 7 Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher w/ Flakk)
That's just under the 1850 for the Qualifier. I don't have the Aegis Defence Line or Quad gun, so I do have some weakness against flyers, but I'm confident I can survive using the tactics on assaults I've picked up.
I'm expecting to face a lot of Eldar, Tau, and Necrons, as that's what seem prevalent in our scene. Maybe the influx of out of town players will bring in some variety.
And in case I can't get everything painted in time, I have a small Necron ally force I can throw in at the last minute, and they are fully painted.
Wish me luck!
I did a base coat on the parts needing paint last night, and then again this morning. So once I get home from work, it should be pretty easy to get them to the three color standard. I won't win a ton of points for appearance, but that's okay, since the mission packet says I just have to win the most games.
So assuming nothing goes wrong, I should be able to bring the full force of Khuster's Cav to bear at this event. Now, in the past, an 1850 list would see me bringing out squads of Landspeeders and a few Predators, but thanks to Rob over at I have a new list I am trying out. (You can see the list and recommendations he made here.)
Now, most of the advice Rob gave I'm going to use. I added in the apothecary to the Command Squad, but I don't own a Darkshroud, so I had to modify the list a bit. (I might get a Darkshroud for my birthday coming up, so I'm going to wait until after that before I see if I need to get one.) I know it's probably not the smartest move, but here's what I'm bringing to the table tomorrow:
Khuster (Sammael on jet bike)
Ravenwing Command Squad (+2 bikes, Apothecary upgrade, Standard of Devistation, 1 Grenade Launcher)
Ravenwing 1 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 2 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 3 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 4 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Ravenwing 5 (+3 bikes, Meltagun, Plasma Gun, Attack Bike w/Multimelta)
Scouts (+4 Scouts, Sniper rifles, 7 Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher w/ Flakk)
That's just under the 1850 for the Qualifier. I don't have the Aegis Defence Line or Quad gun, so I do have some weakness against flyers, but I'm confident I can survive using the tactics on assaults I've picked up.
I'm expecting to face a lot of Eldar, Tau, and Necrons, as that's what seem prevalent in our scene. Maybe the influx of out of town players will bring in some variety.
And in case I can't get everything painted in time, I have a small Necron ally force I can throw in at the last minute, and they are fully painted.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Escalation League #1
So one of the new things I'm trying this year is a local Escalation League.
Today is the deadline to have 750 points or a Battleforce box finished. That means assembled, painted in at least 3 colors, and based beyond just painting the base.
I finished the BF box of Necrons last night. Barely.
What I'm turning in today is a long awaited project I call my "Blue Steel Necrons". I started it a year or so ago, and was working diligently on completing a 1500 point necron army. However, one of our local gamers had his entire army of Necrons stolen, and myself, along with many others, pitched in and donated/swapped parts of our army to help him get back on his feet. What models that didn't go to him went to help my Sunday Night 40k buddies complete their armies. I had a Grey Knight army to fall back on, so I just went back to that and shelved the idea of running a necron army until I felt up to it again.
And the Escalation League is what got me back into it. We're doing an additional 250 points a month starting today, and by the next deadline, I not only have to have the full 1000 points (because the Battleforce isn't even close to that) but it also has to work with the Force Org charts.
So here's what I have done, and some decent-ish pics to go with it. I'm looking forward to making the HQ and Royal Court next month. But for now, enjoy the product of an amateur painter!
And now I head back to my Khuster's 777th Cav army, in hopes to get it ready for the Feast of Blades Qualifier at the end of the little time, so much modelling...
Today is the deadline to have 750 points or a Battleforce box finished. That means assembled, painted in at least 3 colors, and based beyond just painting the base.
I finished the BF box of Necrons last night. Barely.
What I'm turning in today is a long awaited project I call my "Blue Steel Necrons". I started it a year or so ago, and was working diligently on completing a 1500 point necron army. However, one of our local gamers had his entire army of Necrons stolen, and myself, along with many others, pitched in and donated/swapped parts of our army to help him get back on his feet. What models that didn't go to him went to help my Sunday Night 40k buddies complete their armies. I had a Grey Knight army to fall back on, so I just went back to that and shelved the idea of running a necron army until I felt up to it again.
And the Escalation League is what got me back into it. We're doing an additional 250 points a month starting today, and by the next deadline, I not only have to have the full 1000 points (because the Battleforce isn't even close to that) but it also has to work with the Force Org charts.
So here's what I have done, and some decent-ish pics to go with it. I'm looking forward to making the HQ and Royal Court next month. But for now, enjoy the product of an amateur painter!
And now I head back to my Khuster's 777th Cav army, in hopes to get it ready for the Feast of Blades Qualifier at the end of the little time, so much modelling...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Secret Weapon or just Expensive Toy?
So, I'm not sure if anyone has heard about Rustoleum's NeverWet product. You should check out the page below if you aren't familiar with it.
Even after reading this, I still have an idea that might make the product marketable...40k.
I'm nowhere near the level of painter I want to be, mostly because my hands are not as steady as they used to be, and also because I don't paint much or often between projects. BUT, what if I had a bit of help?
Let's say I want to just paint a section of a model one color, but that section doesn't have the best angles or access. For example, the inner thighs of a Space Marine...(did I really just type that? Creepy!)...but I don't want to mess up the codpiece area. I just simply tape where I want to paint, coat the rest, and paint away, knowing that any excess paint will just pool up and not stick.
The bonus? It comes off with a little friction or running water!
I have to try this!
Even after reading this, I still have an idea that might make the product marketable...40k.
I'm nowhere near the level of painter I want to be, mostly because my hands are not as steady as they used to be, and also because I don't paint much or often between projects. BUT, what if I had a bit of help?
Let's say I want to just paint a section of a model one color, but that section doesn't have the best angles or access. For example, the inner thighs of a Space Marine...(did I really just type that? Creepy!)...but I don't want to mess up the codpiece area. I just simply tape where I want to paint, coat the rest, and paint away, knowing that any excess paint will just pool up and not stick.
The bonus? It comes off with a little friction or running water!
I have to try this!
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Middle of the Beginning...
Well, here I go me DC...
For a lot of you, this is probably the first post. I've done blogs before, but nothing this geeky. My intent is pretty simple, use this blog to post about my experiences with the Warhammer 40k hobby, and as an outlet at times for other geeky stuff like talking about my two tabletop RPG groups, or something else that's itching to appear here.
So who am I? No one that important. Just a middle aged guy who plays too much, and has too much time on his hands. To most of the local crowd, they identify me as the head of the local Firefly themed LARP (that's Live Action Role-Playing), or the guy with the silly Custer-themed 40k army.
Yeah, that's right, I went and started a Dark Angels army based on Custer's 7th Cav, called the Greasy Grass Eagles, and led by Chapter Master J'orj Khuster. I admit, most of my games end just like Custer's Last Stand, but I win occasionally. The army isn't finished yet, but it's close, and when it gets done, it's going right into the game room as a centerpiece.
I've had other armies as well. In fact, I started the 40k hobby with a Grey Knight army I bought off a stranger at my LGS. It took me more than a year to get the hang of it, and when I finally sold it (to fund the Custer project) I had gone from a measly 450 points to well over 4,000. I also had a Necron army at one point, until one of the local players had his entire Necron army stolen, so like a lot of the other local gamers, we ended up donating parts of our army to replace his, and then the rest I gave to some friends to help get bits for their armies. But no worries, a local escalation league has given me another chance to build my Crons again, and I look forward to having the 1500 point army to play around with.
Those are my two big 40k projects right now. Custer's project and Necrons. I'm working away on both, and I'll post pics and keep things updated on here.
I'm also involved in a couple awesome gaming groups. One I've been part of for seven or eight years now, and we meet weekly. We're in between campaigns, about to start a Star Wars d20 campaign run by our Supreme Master GM. We rotate campaigns, systems, and GM fairly often to keep things fresh. It's also made up of 9 people, so it's quite a challenge to run and play at times. I'm sure I'll post regularly about them as well.
My second group meets every other Saturday, and we're running through the Skulls & Shackles Pathfinder adventure path. I can into the group as a fill in for one of their players, and they haven't kicked me out yet! I'm not sure they know they could if they just asked nicely.
So there you have it. Geek stuff on this blog. Thanks for reading, and I hope you come back for more as it updates!
For a lot of you, this is probably the first post. I've done blogs before, but nothing this geeky. My intent is pretty simple, use this blog to post about my experiences with the Warhammer 40k hobby, and as an outlet at times for other geeky stuff like talking about my two tabletop RPG groups, or something else that's itching to appear here.
So who am I? No one that important. Just a middle aged guy who plays too much, and has too much time on his hands. To most of the local crowd, they identify me as the head of the local Firefly themed LARP (that's Live Action Role-Playing), or the guy with the silly Custer-themed 40k army.
Yeah, that's right, I went and started a Dark Angels army based on Custer's 7th Cav, called the Greasy Grass Eagles, and led by Chapter Master J'orj Khuster. I admit, most of my games end just like Custer's Last Stand, but I win occasionally. The army isn't finished yet, but it's close, and when it gets done, it's going right into the game room as a centerpiece.
I've had other armies as well. In fact, I started the 40k hobby with a Grey Knight army I bought off a stranger at my LGS. It took me more than a year to get the hang of it, and when I finally sold it (to fund the Custer project) I had gone from a measly 450 points to well over 4,000. I also had a Necron army at one point, until one of the local players had his entire Necron army stolen, so like a lot of the other local gamers, we ended up donating parts of our army to replace his, and then the rest I gave to some friends to help get bits for their armies. But no worries, a local escalation league has given me another chance to build my Crons again, and I look forward to having the 1500 point army to play around with.
Those are my two big 40k projects right now. Custer's project and Necrons. I'm working away on both, and I'll post pics and keep things updated on here.
I'm also involved in a couple awesome gaming groups. One I've been part of for seven or eight years now, and we meet weekly. We're in between campaigns, about to start a Star Wars d20 campaign run by our Supreme Master GM. We rotate campaigns, systems, and GM fairly often to keep things fresh. It's also made up of 9 people, so it's quite a challenge to run and play at times. I'm sure I'll post regularly about them as well.
My second group meets every other Saturday, and we're running through the Skulls & Shackles Pathfinder adventure path. I can into the group as a fill in for one of their players, and they haven't kicked me out yet! I'm not sure they know they could if they just asked nicely.
So there you have it. Geek stuff on this blog. Thanks for reading, and I hope you come back for more as it updates!
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